40tude HTML 3.4
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40tude HTML 3.4

40tude HTML is one of the most powerful HTML editors on the market
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Softwareentwicklung Marcus Mönnig
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Awards (3)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
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3.8 MB

40tude HTML is a great HTML editor. This application is the next version of the 1-4-All HTML editors. As opposed to other editors, such as Microsoft's and Adobe's, this application is not meant for everyday people.
40tude HTML editor is made for web-designers that have managed extensively HTML and can code it almost with their eyes closed.
However, the editor allows you a level of coding freedom, rarely seen in other editors. The interface is distributed nicely in a series of tabs and buttons, that may take a while to learn, but the tabs allow you to find what you are looking for with ease.
40tude HTML is also packed with a very impressive amount of features that will put the mainstream editors to shame. You get, just to name a few, color coding, support for perl and java scripts, object oriented tasks, spell checker, macro recorder, among others. One of the nicest features is the Integrated Publishing Wizard, which is a wizard that allows you to update HTML files automatically without the need to enter server details over and over again. It is hard to find an HTML editor with so much power for this price.

IM Senior editor
Ismael Mireles
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Lots of configurable features
  • Flexible and powerful HTML editor


  • Not for HTML beginners

Comments (1)


Your vote:

rating Joe
It was the best editor for its time, still actual. Most usable tag suggestion, insertions of paragraphs, linebreaks, spaces and so. Ever! I still didn't find better, though it needs some upgrade.

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  • Scripts tabs in html